Sermons from 2020
Sunday Worship Service – May 31st
Sunday Worship Service – April 26th, 2020
Sunday Morning Worship – April 19th, 2020
Resurrection Day – Sunday Morning Service – April 12th –
Sunday Morning Worship Service – April 5th, 2020
We are also streaming our sermons on Facebook – If you have a prayer need, please comment on our facebook page.
Morning Worship Service – March 29th, 2020
Morning Worship Service – March 22nd, 2020
Sermon 03-08-20
2 Timothy 3:10-17 Reading God has given us His word. He wrote a book. Over 1500 years using 40 writers, God inspired the words of the Bible. We have in book form and on our phones, tablets and computers, the greatest book ever written. The Bible tells us the human story, where we came from, when we were created,…
Sermon for 03-01-20
Hebrews 5:7-10 Jesus’ Prayer Life Jesus prayed with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death… Loud cries and tears? Is this what Jesus’ prayers sounded and looked like? Back up to Hebrews 2:14-18 (read) Jesus became like us, so that we could become like Him. Today let’s look again at Jesus and prayer. Jesus is THE model of our Christian faith. Peter…
Sermon for 02-26-20
Rewards of Prayer Reading: Luke 18:1-14 Good morning Signal Mountain! I have been reflecting on my 21+ years here as preacher and all the blessings God has given. One thing really is clear to me that the Psalmist puts into words well: O Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,…
Sermon 02-09-20
Spiritual Vision and Prayer Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 A teacher passed out a test and noticed one student quietly staring up at the ceiling, so the teacher asked: What are you waiting on? The student looked at the teacher and answered: The Lord. Isaiah 40:31 tells us: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they…
Sermon 02-02-20
Born Again? Readings: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 and John 3:1-21 John 3 is a very familiar chapter to most Christians. It has the famous words of Jesus in chapter 3:16 that are known around the world: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The majority of John’s gospel gives us…
Sermon 01-26-20
Daniel McCoy, PhD, Editor for, wrote a brief essay called: Practicing Periodic Disobedience. He gave a great illustration to understand what it means to be spiritual. I have borrowed pieces of his essay for today’s sermon. When you were a kid, did you ever find yourself saying, “You’re not my boss!” to a bossy older sibling or a bossy neighborhood kid? Believe…
Sermon for 01-19-20
LOS ANGELES—Matteo Sloane was home on spring break when FBI agents showed up at his family’s Spanish-style house in the hills of Bel Air at 6:15 a.m. to take his father to jail. By the time his father came home at the end of that day after posting $500,000 in bail, Matteo, then a freshman at the University of Southern California, was ready to confront him. “Why…
Sermon for 1-12-20
Good morning Signal Mountain! Welcome to the second Sunday of 2020! Another reminder: This year’s Bible reading calendars are ready for you to pick up in the foyer or you can get them online at our website. We will be reading through the New Testament twice and the Psalms 3 times this year! Also, our group ministry is focusing on the life of Christ this winter/spring, in…
Sermon for 1-5-20
Reading Ephesians 4:1-16 Welcome to 2020! Our first Sunday of the year 2020 is here! Don’t forget our 2020 Bible reading plan – schedules are in the foyer and online. The best indicator of a Christian’s spiritual health is their relationship with the Bible, the word of God. If we humbly receive the word planted in us, it can save us. Also, this afternoon we…
Sermon for 12-29-19
Philippians 3:1-21 What were the highest priorities of Jesus Christ? What are the highest priorities of this church? What are your highest priorities? New Year’s day is a good time to start new resolutions and recommit to striving for goals. This year is 2020! Do you have a 2020 vision for your life this year? As we see in Philippians 3, Paul certainly did! His life was…