Sermons by Greg Nance
Pleasing Worship… Pleasing to Whom?
Of Hearts and Mouths – Seeking Saving Faith
Bring a Friend Day
Jesus, friend of sinners, please accept me too!
What’s God Writing on Your Wall?
Daniel 4 and 5 give us the accounts of Nebuchadnezzar’s coming to faith and then his son (or grandson) Belshazzar’s fall. Nebuchadnezzar’s pride had brought him under God’s punishment, but in his humiliation, Nebuchadnezzar came to recognize and bow to the Lord God. Daniel 1-4 tells the account. God used four faithful Jewish boys to influence this the mightiest king in…
What's God Writing on Your Wall?
Then They Will Know
Ezekiel 37 is one of the most graphic prophetic expressions in the Old Testament: The Valley of the Dry Bones. It is also widely interpreted. As we walk through this chapter this morning, think about this: to what extent will God go so that His people will know Him as their Lord and God? Ask yourself this: How well do I know that the God of the Bible is the Lord, my God,…
What God Will Do
God says some shocking things three times in a row about what He will do to His people. Can He really do that?
We’ve Got to Tell It!
There’s no such thing as a Christian that won’t share God’s word. The name Christian defines God’s people as Christ-like. Our job is to declare His praise and call for others to follow Jesus.
We've Got to Tell It!
Dare to be a Daniel
Daniel, a young man of faith, gives us an amazing account of wise, faithful, God honoring noncompliance in this book by his name. Last week we talked about two other young men of faith: Josiah, who gave his life to reforming Judah and bringing them back to the Lord, and Jeremiah, who was called in his youth to speak God’s harsh words of judgment and plead for the people’s…